Captura de pantalla 2017-07-23 a la(s) 07.57.33

Ken Roczen ha vuelto a los entrenamientos tras su accidente en Anaheim II. No te pierdas el primer vídeo de vuelta a los entrenamientos y lo que nos cuenta en su perfil de Instagram.


Over the last few weeks/months, I/we have been putting in A LOT of work and effort. For a long time, I was really limited to what I was able to do. Being the busy body that I am, the feeling of being useless made it hard for me to sit around. We got a call from Dr. Viola a couple nights ago with the green light to be able to ride on the turn track. Those unexpected words gave such a smile and the pure feeling of happiness. We immediately made about 10 calls in 10 min to tell some of my people that I needed a bike and gear TOMORROW!!!!!!! ? No one expected us to be back to riding already! Sometimes we take feeling healthy for granted. All of a sudden being at the bottom of your health, and not knowing if things are going to be ok is a feeling that is hard to describe. After all of the ups and downs, having the best doctor, a great support team with the companies and people that are behind me and who believe in me, and the positive vibes from all of my fans, here I am back doing what I love. What a great feeling to be healthy and being able to represent my sponsors, family, friends, and fans! So, for all of you guys that have had a down moment in your life, no matter if it’s an Injury or for personal reasons…you either fold up (not recommended) or you simply put your mind to something great and go and work for it. Don’t EEEEVVVEER doubt your self. Bad times!?? Do something about it! We did. @honda_powersports_us @redbull @foxracing @shiftmx @stancesocks ❤

Una publicación compartida de Ken Roczen (@kenroczen94) el

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