On May 20 & 21, riders will discover a new track at the return of Villars Sous Ecout in the MXGP calendar after six years of hiatus.
Press release:
The seventh round of the FIM Motocross World Championship is the French MXGP, and he will be back this year at Villars sous Ecot. Six years after the final round of the 2017 series, the riders will discover on May 20-21 a new track which was presented this week to the local medias, partners and political authorities.

France has always been part of the Motocross World Championship, and since twenty years now the French GP has been mainly organised on three different locations: Ernée, Saint Jean d’Angely and Villars sous Ecot. Created in 1968 the club of Villars has a long history as they organized their first GP in 1982, and since then they have organised six other GP’s and the 1988 Motocross of Nations. After two succesful editions of the French Elite Championship in 2021 and 2022, the club wanted to welcome again a World Championship round.
“Thanks to Infront, the FIM and the FFM who took our request in consideration,” says President Luc Pellier who has been member of the club since many years. “We have 50% of new members in the club’s management committee, and most of us wanted to organize again a GP; it was great to organize the French Championship two years in a row, it was a good opportunity for us to prepare this GP” continues Luc who explains the main novelties compared to the last GP in September 2017. “Thanks to the support of the Pays de Montbeliard Agglomeration, the Region Burgundy Franche Comte and the Department of Doubs, we have changed 80% of the track to offer a new and modern track to the riders. And in order to have a better coverage of the event, the optical fiber is now operational on the circuit for the medias.”

For David Luongo, Infront Moto Racing CEO, coming back to Villars sous Ecot is a good news. “France is a country of enthusiast’s motocross fans, and we have a deal with the French Federation to organize every year a GP on different tracks. It’s a pleasure to be back to Villars sous Ecot, who is part of the long history of the French motocross. Villars has an ideal location close to Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, and we are sure that many fans will come from all over Europe to this GP. For sure to organize a GP you have to invest a lot of energy and money to welcome in good conditions the fans, the competitors and the medias and I would like to thanks to the political authorities for their support. We all know that the Grand Prix will offer a great media coverage to the region, the department and the agglomeration, and we know that it will bring important economic benefits.”
Round seventh of the championship, the GP will meet five classes with the MXGP, MX2, WMX, Euro 125 and the junior e-motocross. Tickets can be purchased in advance on the club webstie: https://my.weezevent.com/mxgp-grand-prix-de-france-2023