SmarTop Motoconcepts Honda announces the 2024 AMA Supercross lineup


With nine days left to Anaheim 1, the MCR Honda squad guided by Tony Alessi presented its lineup with 250SX/Futures riders and a sole-450 rider.

Heading into Anaheim 1 this weekend, Vince Friese will be the only representative in the 450SX class. The last time Friese did an entire 450 season was back in 2021 finishing 16th overall. Meanwhile, the 250SX West Coast guys will be Carson Mumford and Mitchell Oldenburg, as Canadian Noah Viney will compete in the SX Futures rounds and some 250SX Pro rounds as well.

MCR Honda 2024 Lineup:

  • Vince Friese #125 / 450SX
  • Carson Mumford #41 / 250SX West Coast
  • Mitchell Oldenburg #55 / 250SX West Coast
  • Noah Viney #943 / SX Futures

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