Kay de Wolf won the Dutch Masters Championship with a double win in Oldebroek

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The Neestan Husqvarna rider has becomes the new MX2 Champion in the Dutch Masters series. The Dutchman was crowned in style as he went 1-1 in the third and final round at Oldebroek.

Kay de Wolf won the first race after catching Ivano Van Erp, who lead the way in the early stages before falling to sixth place. Behind the racer leader, Roan van de Moosdijk and Kevin Horgmo battled for second place, with Van de Moosdijk holding on and finishing second over Hormgo. Andrea Bonacorsi and Kay Karssemakers rounded the top five.

The second race was a similar story. Kay de Wolf took the lead after running some laps behind Ivano Van Erp, but this time Van Erp could hold the second spot, even putting some pressure on de Wolf. Karlis Albert Reisulis and Kay Karssemakers were fourth and fifth, respectively. Kevin Horgmo, Andrea Bonacorsi, and Oriol Oliver made their way behind the top ten to finish 6th, 87h, and 8th as Cas Valk and local rider Michelsen completed the top ten.

In the overall standings, Kay de Wolf was the winner with a perfect 1-1. Second overall was his teammate Roan Van de Moosdijk with a 2-3, while Ivano Van Erp claimed the third step of the podium with a 6-2.

As for the Championship standings, de Wolf claims the crown as the new MX2 Dutch Masters Champion after having won three rounds in a row, winning five out of six motos


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